Beginning of a journey

My first twist out as a natural

I cut most of my hair off on Saturday. I wasn’t planning on doing it, it just happened. The first two days I had my hair in twists because I was in shock. I had really cut off all my relaxed ends revealing my curls, yes curls all this time I though my hair was a different texture because the relaxer was weighing it down. Here is my transition from uncomfortable to happy with my decision. It hasn’t been a week yet but already I’m happy I did what I did and I’m happy. It’s my hair and I need it healthy.

ready to cry when I finished.

but I can still do the goddess twist 🙂

Pretty happy once it was all short after I cried lol

A couple days later

My first twist out as a natural

Halo twist vs Goddess twist

Click on the hairstyle of your choice. I can’t braid so I do the twists but they work for braiding as well. All three are great quick and easy protective styles. Try one or two and let me know how they work for you

Goddess twist tutorial 

Halo twist tutorial 

Halo Braid tutorial