Oily October Challenge

I need some motivation. It’s Autumn the air is cool and the meals are warm. I have not been the best when it comes to drinking water, eating right, and even keeping up with my hair. The semester has so busy I forget to eat, I barely sleep, and my poor hair is suffering.

So I decided to come up with a way to make sure I keep my beautiful hair moisturized as the weather tries to dry it out.

It’ll be pretty easy. For the month of October you must follow the rules below.

1. Pick your two favorite oils. You must use the oils at least three times a week (Deep conditioner, hot oil treatment, sealing in moisture) in any way. Here’s a video on the oil mix that I use Hair and Body Oil Mix. I also add essential oils and coconut oil to mine.

Here’s my hair journey up to my BC last year. Hair Journey

The shrinkage is real my hair is past my shoulders.

The shrinkage is real my hair is past my shoulders. (2012)

First twistout after my BC (2011)

First twistout after my BC (2011)

2. You must drink at LEAST 1 liter of water daily (nonnegotiable and no cheating)

3. At least one protective style a week.

To show your progress please use #LWD and #UTMH on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.

Follow me: Twitter  Tumblr  Instagram

All Natural Deodorant

Last night when I arrived home my arrowroot powder was waiting for me. It was the final piece of my puzzle. I could finally try my hand at making my own deodorant. I had no worries about it working or about me not liking the finished product. I had tried my hand at deodorant before and although I didn’t like it my first go round this time I was equipped with knowledge, ingredients, and recipes. So I started to gather my things when I realized something. I had every single last thing I needed except for baking soda. As many recipes as I had I was so hurt to realize they all used baking soda.

I was still determined to make my deodorant (more now than ever since I had thrown my old one out). I searched every corner of the internet until I stumbled upon this recipe for an All Natural Deodorant . It was a life saver. The recipe called for bentonite clay  which I didn’t have so I used arrowroot powder, it also uses tea tree oil and I used peppermint and lavender (it smells so good). I did mess with this one a little so here is what I used.

1.5 tbs of beeswax

3 tbs of shea butter

2 tbs of cocoa butter

4 tbs of arrowroot powder

10 drops of lavender essential oil

10 drops of peppermint essential oil

* You can use any essential oil really and the butters can be played around with as well. The recipe called for 4 tbs pf shea and 1 of cocoa butter but I wanted a little more cocoa butter. It’s up to you and your skin.



The deodorant is perfect and it smells so good. Please make some of your own you will not regret it. Commercial deodorant is full of chemicals and preservatives none of which you want to be absorbed through your skin. If you make your own deodorant you save money and you can control everything that goes into it. I hope this helps.

Finished product

Finished product